Thursday, September 27, 2007

Something resembling a schedule

Okay, I think I have this figured out well enough to put down a weekly schedule. It could still change and flukes like playing on Friday will almost always cause some major upset. By the way, my weeks always begin on Saturday during football season. I say, get it out front and enjoy it. Saturday – Randomness but little content. After all, I'm watching football. Sunday – "Sunday Roll-call," a short review of some of the games from the previous day. Monday – "News Update," a few links to interesting or relevant news stories from around college sports. Tuesday – In-depth review of the last game. Wednesday – ?? Thursday – "Dear Coach," an open letter to a head or assistant coach who has done something to draw my attention. Friday – Preview of the upcoming game. Preview of something else on bye weeks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great work.