Monday, September 24, 2007

News Update

  • Jenni Carlson's article starts a firestorm – After Oklahoma State eked out a victory over Texas Tech on Saturday, you would expect Mike Gundy to be happy during his press conference. Normally, Gundy would extol the virtues of his assistant coaches, praise the poise and confidence of his quarterback and receivers, or at least address how his secondary could give up 646 yards of passing. Instead, he did this: Now, I've read the article that he's talking about, and I agree that it was unnecessarily harsh on poor Bobby Reid. That's not too surprising, though, as Jenni isn't known for liking State. She's also not known for being a good writer, or doing research, or in any way being a good journalist. If you analyze her evidence, it's all based on "the rumors and the rumblings" she has heard around campus. Of course, when you consider that she lives in Oklahoma City you kind of have to wonder when Jenni's even been on campus, let alone when she's had time to hear rumors there. Does that condone Gundy's reaction? Not really. Did Jenni deserve getting called out for writing a crappy piece? Yes, but not like that. Gundy should have had State's marketing department write him something and then make a formal press release. I'd also really like to know what, exactly, the inaccuracies that he mentioned are. Unfortunately, he's not talking about what they are. I imagine that more of the details will come out as the weeks pass. I just hope, for Gundy's sake, that none of those rumors were true.
  • Other Big 12 Coaches Agree With Gundy – In an interesting move, ESPN not only decried Gundy's press conference, but also printed the supporting words of other coaches in the Big 12. Stoops, Mack Brown, Dan Hawkins, and Bill Callahan all agreed that sometimes the media is a little rough on student athletes. I was surprised to hear that none of those five coaches read newspaper articles about their teams. I guess that makes sense, as the coach would know a lot more about what is happening on his team than any reporter, but it still seems a bit odd.
  • Men's Basketball Tickets On Sale Tuesday – It's almost that time again. Also, the women's team released their full schedule.

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