Thursday, September 27, 2007

Dear Coach: Mike Gundy

Dear Coach, When you took over from Les "Don't let me speak to the media" Miles, I thought State had made a turn for the better. Over the last two seasons you have provided evidence that, while still building, the Pokes can be a force to be reckoned with in the Big 12. You took a program that was succeeding on the field (but floundering off of it) and gave it new direction. You were not afraid to require that players respect the authority of the city of Stillwater and the rules of the campus administration. I gained great respect for you when you refused to tolerate any behavior that compromised the reputation of your school or your program. I don't need to tell you this, but it took guts to kick off the players you did. You realized that to build, you needed a solid foundation; to step out of the shadow cast by the other schools in your division, you will need to build very tall, indeed. That is why is was slightly disappointed and more than a little surprised by your press conference last week. I refuse to call it a "rant" or "tirade" like so many media outlets are, but it was very puzzling behavior coming from a man who had a reputation for being so level-headed. I understand that Jenni Carlson crossed a line by attacking the character of Reid, and I understand that you had just ridden the emotional roller-coaster of a late upset win. That does not excuse you, however, from taking responsibility for your actions. Just for a moment, let's trade places. For this brief time, let me be the coach and you the promising young man. Don't let your pride get in the way of realizing when you have made a mistake; don't try to shy away from the repercussions of your words. Instead, take this opportunity to prove that Oklahoma State made the right choice when they promoted you to head coach. Prove to the entire world that you are not only the leader of your team on the field, but also off of it. Show that you still have those guts and offer an apology to Jenni, her editor and The Daily Oklahoman. You have proven to your team and your fans that you will defend the student-athletes that have been placed in your care, now prove to the world that you have the moral character to shape them to be men as well.

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