Monday, September 17, 2007

News Update

  • OU Basketball holds open try-outs – Well, we knew they were a little short on people after the majority of our big-name recruits bailed after Sampson-gate hit. I hope they pick up some good players, 'cuz Capel is a pretty good guy (for a Dookie).
  • Women's volleyball on FSN Wednesday – It is good to see the ladies getting some attention. It seems like women's volleyball is one of the least-appreciated NCAA sports, but it's damn fun to watch. I'd suggest you give it a look and, if you enjoy it on TV, go see a few games.
  • Boren opens his mouth again – He's talking about OU's chances of winning their appeal of the vacation of the eight wins from the 2005 season. Apparently he thinks it's even money. I was only slightly surprised to see that he brought up USC. You know, for a retired politician, he can be very blunt when he wants to make a point, too bad the powers-that-be are so dense.
  • Bradford gets on some Heisman lists – While he's sure to get some votes come December, don't put money on him pulling off what Peterson couldn't. If he keeps up like he has been, he'll be invited to New York, though.
Slow week. At least no one was arrested.

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